Explore our learning offer for the health sector
Antser Learning engages within sectors where human feelings, vulnerabilities and data protection will always be priority. We believe we can change the face of this sector by changing behaviours, challenging “the standard responses” and ultimately the outcome. We innovate, think outside of the parameters, continually change and progress, whilst always keeping human sensitivity at the heart of what we do.
We provide learning and development that enables positive change that focuses on the everyday challenges for those working with children, young people, families and vulnerable adults. This includes social work professionals, occupational therapists, other social care practitioners, provider services and partner agencies such as the education sector and health.
Designated Safeguarding Lead · open
Our Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) course gives delegates a firmer understanding what the role involves and will help them to understand the safeguarding levels of needs and referral process in more detail. It ensures that delegates can work more collaboratively with key agencies, and that the DSL will be able to support colleagues in making decisions in relation to Safeguarding concerns.
The course uses a variety of interactive exercises and tools to help delegates review and apply their child protection procedures within the organisation are able to keep detailed, accurate, secure written records of concerns and referrals.
The DSL course focuses on roles and responsibilities with regards to safeguarding, the importance of effective communication across agencies, and contributing to assessments. The difficult issue of challenging colleagues and how to escalate concerns would also be explored using local procedures and scenario-based exercises
Open course prices are £60+VAT per person as an introductory offer
Time and dates available for open courses:
20th May 2021 | 09.30am – 15.30pm
Level 3 training multi-agency child protection · open
Our Level 3 training is a multi-agency child protection course that will provide an opportunity for participants from various agencies to gain and share knowledge, explore feelings and increase confidence in relation to child protection.
Open course prices are £60+VAT per person
Time and dates available for open courses:
19th October 2021 | 09.30am – 15.30pm
Level 3 multi-agency child protection with a focus on child abuse · open
The course covers prevalence of child sexual abuse, appropriate/inappropriate sexual behaviours for different age groups, and has brief sections on forced marriage, female genital mutilation and child sexual exploitation.
We provide participants with research and practice-based information that will help them to effectively identify the sexual abuse of children and young people.
Open course prices are £60+VAT per person
Time and dates available for open courses:
7th September 2021 | 09.30am – 15.30pm
The course is aimed at staff who have previously attended Multi-Agency Child Protection training. The course aims to give you a deeper understanding of the impact of sexual abuse on children and young people growing up.
Level 3 multi-agency child protection with a focus on neglect · open
Neglect is the leading cause of child abuse. This is a Level 3 course raising awareness and exploring the issues relating to Neglect and to help you to spot the signs and develop your skills in practice.
The course is aimed at staff who have previously attended Multi-Agency Child Protection training, but no specialist knowledge is required. The course aims to give you a deeper understanding of the impact on children and young people growing up.
Open course prices are £60+VAT per person
Time and dates available for open courses:
23rd September 2021 | 09.30am – 15.30pm
Level 3 multi-agency child protection with a focus on child sexual exploitation (CSE) · open
A Level 3 course raising awareness and exploring the issues relating to Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE). This course considers the different models of CSE, vulnerability and resilience factors in young people, what the evidence says, and what we have learnt from serious case reviews.
The course aims to give you a deeper understanding of the impact of sexual exploitation on children and young people growing up. No prior specialist knowledge of the subject is required.
Open course prices are £60+VAT per person
Time and dates available for open courses:
13th July 2021 | 09.30am – 15.30pm
14th December 2021 | 09.30am – 15.30pm
Level 3 multi-agency child protection with a focus on domestic abuse · open
This is a Level 3 course raising awareness and exploring the issues relating to Domestic abuse and violence and to help you to spot the signs and develop your skills in practice.
The course is aimed at staff who have previously attended Multi-Agency Child Protection training, but no specialist knowledge is required. The course aims to give you a deeper understanding of the impact on children and young people growing up.
Open course prices are £60+VAT per person
Time and dates available for open courses:
7th July 2021 | 09.30am – 15.30pm
24th November 2021 | 09.30am – 15.30pm
Level 3 multi-agency child protection with a focus on parental mental illness · open
Parental mental illness was a significant factor in 40% of Serious Case Reviews. This course explores values and attitudes, identification and working together, thus helping you understand the experience and voice of children and young people. It will conclude with an emphasis on analysis and joint planning for effective intervention with these families.
The course is aimed at staff who have previously attended Multi-Agency Child Protection training, but no specialist knowledge of mental illness is required. The course aims to give you a deeper understanding of the impact of parental mental ill health on children and young people growing up.
Open course prices are £60+VAT per person
Time and dates available for open courses:
11th May 2021 | 09.30am – 15.30pm
28th September 2021 | 09.30am – 15.30pm
7th December 2021 | 09.30am – 15.30pm
Safer recruitment · open
This aim of this course is to provide all those involved in recruitment to help spot warning signs that a candidate may be unsuitable to work with children, young people and vulnerable adults, helping to mitigate the risk when hiring new personnel, and to create safer workforce processes.
Open course prices are £60+VAT per person
Time and dates available for open courses:
6th October 2021 | 09.30am – 15.30pm
Train the trainer refresher · open
A day to Refresh and Enhance practice.
The day will provide an update of the latest level 2 training material with a focus on adapting the material to fit the context in which it is being delivered.
The day offers an opportunity to share positive practice, consider approaches to some of the challenges of training delivery and ensuring that taught knowledge is reflected in practice.
Delegates must have attend the 2 day Level 2 Safeguarding Train the Trainer course
Open course prices are £60+VAT per person
Time and dates available for open courses:
To book a course directly, or enquire about our courses, please fill in the form below and one of our team members will get in touch with you soon.
For all Open courses, please fill out the booking form and email it to hello@antser.com
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