Antser Group and BGF are pleased to announce the carve out of Signis Limited, which trades under the tri.x brand, from its parent company Antser Holdings. tri.x will be joining the OneTouch group, backed by investment from August Equity.
A market leader in the provision of effective online adult and children’s social care procedures solutions, tri.x supports most Local Authorities across England. It has been part of Birmingham-based Antser since it was acquired in 2019.
August is a long-term investor into the social care sector, with particular emphasis on businesses with technology-led applications. OneTouch is a 360⁰ care management software platform and the addition of tri.x brings together two excellent businesses providing digital tools to the care space and supporting social care providers to deliver a high-quality service. Together they form a strong platform with highly complementary software and product offerings.
Christian Dubé and Katie Beckingham, August Equity, commented:
“We are delighted to have invested in OneTouch and tri.x, bringing together two unique and valuable businesses in the care sector, at a time when digitisation and technology is at the forefront of care delivery. At August, we have a long history of investing in social care businesses and understand the challenges faced by the sector and the benefit that a truly end-to-end care management and compliance platform can bring to care providers. We look forward to working with the OneTouch team to continue the strong growth of the business to date.”
Richard Dooner, CEO of Antser Holdings, said:
“Since the beginning of our journey, Antser has been a pioneer in using innovation and technology-led solutions to deliver better outcomes across the health, social care and education sectors. “Indeed, tri.x has been a key part of our growth trajectory and we are proud to have offered the support it needed to achieve partnerships with near to 100% of Local Authorities in England.
“Antser have now established ourselves as a key provider within the social care sector and will continue to innovate as we move forward and build new solutions to support those in care and the teams around them.
“We have no doubt that tri.x’s collaboration with OneTouch will bring about another exciting chapter for their teams and further improvements in supporting practitioners working in front line care.” Antser continues to remain a valued member of the Martin James Network (MJN).
MJN Co Founders Jim and Ayyab Cockburn, said;
“We are proud to have witnessed the rapid growth of tri.x during its journey and time within Antser and are truly excited for its next chapter and partnership with OneTouch. We believe that their collaboration will drive further innovation to the care sector, benefiting those working in and being supported by social care services across the UK.”
Nick Holder at BGF, said: “Richard and the team at Antser have done a tremendous job in turning tri.x into a market leading business. Their customer focused approach and dedication towards social care outcomes is a golden thread that runs through the group. BGF are excited by this step in Antser’s evolution and look forward to further supporting the team in their ambition to continue to build and deliver innovative solutions to health, social care, education and beyond.”
Antser Group were advised by Cooper Parry Corporate Finance, Mills & Reeve (legals) and PwC (tax structuring).
BGF were advised by Shoosmiths (legals)