Child and Young People Development - Antser
  • Safeguarding Children and Young People

Child and Young People Development

This highly specialised course supports participants in developing a better understanding of child and young people development
1 day
up to 22 people face to face
up to 15 people remotely

Learning outcomes

  • Understand child development including milestones. This will be seen in terms of three developmental stages.
  • Recognise how attachments form a part of natural development including how these are formed.
  • Consider the factors which inhibit this development including loss, trauma, inadequate parenting, disability and illness.
  • Recognise the developmental stage of a child (as opposed to the chronological age) and learn ways to contribute towards the child maximising their developmental potential.
  • Understand the impact of child development and attachments on care planning by identifying what a child needs in a placement from their parents or carers and in the relationships that will be need to be formed
  • Contribute towards care planning by recognising the importance of the existing attachments that the child has in their life and the on going importance of those relationships.


This course provides participants with an overview of children’s physical, emotional and cognitive development as well as the influence of culture, parenting and attachment on their healthy development.

Practitioners will understand the implications of a child’s disability on their development and they will enhance their ability to understand children who have both a disability and a difficulty in communicating. They will gain knowledge about how language is learned and how this learning can be enhanced so that children can maximise their ability to communicate.

Participants will have the opportunity to explore what is considered ‘normal ‘development and to recognise and understand how children’s experiences can be reflected in their behaviour. The training will also explore the role of child development in the care planning process and how information relating to children’s development can inform decision-making in relation to risk and parenting capacity.

This course is delivered by our expert facilitators who will bring their first hand experience and tailor the course to suit your learning needs.

Our course covers the following topics:

  • Introduce self and aims for today
  • Developmental tasks of a child
  • Child Development birth to adolescence
  • Fears and worries
  • The parent’s role in facilitating development
  • Parent issues that may impede their abilities to meet the child’s needs
  • Attachment, Separation & Loss
  • Child development and brain development
  • Debates in child development
Play Video

This course includes:

  • Case studies
  • Safeguarding practice reviews
  • Relevant child development theories
  • Group work
  • Resources

Benefits of the course:

  • Up-to-date and in line with the key legislation and guidance in the UK
  • No pre requisites needed to join this course
  • Delivery from professional and expert facilitators in the field

Course Reviews

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  • Education
  • Practical Core Skills
  • Safeguarding Children and Young People

Train The Trainer 1 day Refresher

Book a Course

To book a course directly, or enquire about our courses, please fill in the form below and one of our team members will get in touch with you soon.


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